Waterford Special Dependent District (WSDD) Documents
Procedures: (Still under development)
The Waterford Special Dependent District has developed a number of procedures to aid in the administration of business. These procedures are as follows:
Project Management
Budget Preparation Guide (2012)
Front Gate Maintenance (See WSDD Handbook)
Purchasing Policy
Contracts & Insurance Policies: (Restricted access. Ask a Waterford Board member by sending an email to Waterfordpoa@Yahoo.com to obtain access)
Common Wall / Area Painting
2001 (Bartlett)
2008 (Divine)
Front Gate Maintenance (2009 - annual)
Landscaping (2014)
Park Bridge (2009)
Street Paving (2006)
Insurance: GL/Prop/D&O Bond (2011)
Waterford On The Alafia